
lunedì 30 settembre 2019

#TAKAMAKA, 1.000000 of transactions and more

Takamaka can process up to 10,000 tx / 30 sec, which is equivalent to having a Blockchain able to maximize transactions up to 1,000,000 / hour (by default).

This translates into a totally business-oriented environment, which only needs
to be connected to be able to imagine and develop one's very own idea of business.

Takamaka is a completely public blockchain, to which anyone can connect and let
their imagination run wild, planning a budget in advance and without worrying 
about learning a new programming code.

#Takamaka will be released in October.

Download our white paper:
Stay tuned, join the community and visit our website at 

#business #criptovalute #smartcontract #cryptocurrency #ethereum

giovedì 26 settembre 2019


Come funziona la rete Ethereum ? che cosa sono e come si programmano gli Smart Contract ?

Ne Parliamo in un evento pubblico Giovedì 31 Ottobre a partire dalle ore 19 e fino alle ore 21, presso la SALA D di Via Giovanni Ongaro Nr 5 37135 Verona:

Marcello Bardus, Blockchain Developer at Hinto, parte del team (per l'italia) di


Incontro pubblico dalle 19 - alle 21 con il seguente o.d.g:
Sai cosa è e come funziona Ethereum, la piu' grande rete mondiale di calcolo distribuita ?
Sai che cosa sono e come si programmano gli smart contract e quale paradigma andranno a creare nel prossimo futuro ?
A queste e ad altre domande troverai una risposta al prossimo Talk organizzato da
In data 31 Ottobre a partire dalle ore 19 e fino alle 21, Talk affidato a Marcello Bardus Programmatore Ethereum community, che ci illustrerà gli elementi chiave di Ethereum e SC con il seguente o.d.g. :


Key Stats

Total Value Locked24H
in USD$253.5M-0.2%
in ETH1.5M ETH-0.4%
in BTC30K BTC+1.2%
ETH Locked1.5M ETH-5.8K ETH
% Supply Locked1.38%
Most Locked$ETH
Protocol Token$MKR

Total Value Locked (USD) in Maker

defipulse chart

What is Maker?

MakerDAO is a decentralized credit platform on Ethereum that supports Dai, a stablecoin whose value is pegged to USD. Anyone can use Maker to open a Collateralized Debt Position (CDP), lock ETH as collateral, and generate Dai as debt against that collateral. Dai debt incurs a stability fee (i.e., continuously accruing interest), which is paid (in MKR) upon repayment of borrowed Dai.

mercoledì 25 settembre 2019

A list of organisations integrating Chainlink, operating a node, or providing data

The other partnerships sticky post has been out of date for a while so this is the updated one. I've tried to roughly categorise the "partnerships" to provide a more accurate reflection of their relationship with Chainlink.
For those not familiar, the standard announcement of a new relationship is via the other party making a medium post and then Chainlink tweeting the link. I've tried to include all of them, but I'm only human so let me know if I've missed anything.


CompanyDateLink to announcement
Town Crier01/11/2018Forbes Chainlink Post

martedì 24 settembre 2019

#Takamaka Security #PoW and scalability #PoS.

Interesting Interview with Vitalik Buterin about #Facebook #Libra

YouTube Star Says Bitcoin Could Lead The Way For These Three Altcoins To Fly

As bitcoin, crypto’s largest asset, continues to consolidate in price, numerous other non-bitcoin crypto assets, known as “altcoins,” are showing a little bit of life in the price department after months of losing value. Nicholas Merten, host and creator of one of YouTube’s top-subscribed cryptocurrency channels, DataDash, listed three altcoins he expects the most growth from over the next year.
[Ed note: Investing in cryptocoins or tokens is highly speculative and the market is largely unregulated. Anyone considering it should be prepared to lose their entire investment.]
“At the current moment, taking a look at [bitcoin] market dominance, it does look like we’re starting to enter into a trend shift where altcoins can start to gain as we retest back toward bitcoin’s highs at $20,000,” Merten said to me in a September 19 interview. “The last two [altcoin cycles] that we had were at the end of the overall bitcoin cycle where bitcoin reached $20,000,” he explained. “The first one happened at the beginning of 2017 when bitcoin retested its highs at $1,100.”

Top #crypto this week based on Github activity

lunedì 23 settembre 2019

Second-Largest German Stock Exchange Launches Regulated Bitcoin Trading Platform

The second-largest stock exchange in Germany, the Stuttgart Stock Exchange is launching Bitcoin trading on its digital arm, starting today, September 23rd. Reportedly, the Digital Exchange of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange (BSDEX) will be the first regulated trading venue in the country where investors can interact without having to rely on third parties.

Bitcoin’s Adoption Continues

The Digital Exchange of the Stuttgart Stock Exchange (BSDEX) starts offering Bitcoin trading today. According to the reports, this will be the first regulated trading venue for digital assets in the country and it will provide direct peer-to-peer trading.
At first, however, the trading will only be available for selected clients. However, in the future, more private individuals will be granted access, eventually looping in institutional investors as well.

What is the Ouroboros

24 Hour #Ethereum #DEX Volumes 23rd Sep 2019 1100GMT

LaDemocraziaEnergetica ora è anche su Telegram !

Ciao !
non perderti nessuna notizia ! Lademocraziaenergetica ora anche su telegram !

Hello !

don't miss any news! Lademocraziaenergetica now also on telegram!

An impressive 3 $BTC volume has been traded on Bakkt for the first 30 minutes of listing.

DEX 24 Hour Volume 22 Settembre

Google afferma che è stata raggiunta la supremazia quantistica, una novità mondiale: rapporto

Un documento di un ricercatore di Google che afferma di aver raggiunto la supremazia quantistica, un'importante pietra miliare nel campo dell'informatica quantistica, è apparso su un sito Web della NASA questa settimana prima di essere rimosso, riporta il Financial Times.
Google, così come IBM, Microsoft, Intel e altre grandi aziende tecnologiche e startup, hanno lavorato per costruire computer quantistici, un nuovo tipo di computer basato su un'architettura completamente diversa rispetto ai computer classici. Sebbene questo annuncio non sia ufficiale, gli scienziati e gli esperti del settore si aspettano da tempo che Google costruisca un computer quantistico in grado di raggiungere questo traguardo: un computer quantistico che esegue un calcolo che un computer classico non può.

Takamaka makes it easy!

Takamaka has been completely designed and developed on the most responsable computer language available: Java.

Java has been developed as an Object Oriented language in order to solve concrete problems such as creation of programs not related to a precise Hardware Architecture.It has intrinsic characteristics of portability, reliability and verifiability. It became a perfect tool for the management and programming of the entire infrastructure. The result is a highly performing Blockchain that does not require special development environments.

Takamaka will be released in October.

Download our white paper:
Stay tuned, join the community and visit our website at  

venerdì 20 settembre 2019


Another unique decentralized exchange which is quite different from the aforementioned two is StellarX, a trading platform built on the Stellar DEX with global fiat gateways. 
StellarX is very interesting for three main reasons: first, it’s one of the only decentralized exchanges with fiat on-ramp support; second, trading on StellarX is totally free; and third, it supports a wide selection of assets including crypto, fiat tethers, commodities, bonds, and more. Literally any asset that can be tokenized has the potential to get listed on StellarX. However, currently, there are only cryptocurrencies, fiat currencies, and fiat tethers supported on the platform. 

mercoledì 18 settembre 2019

How does Casper compare to Ouroboros?

Differences between the proposed Ethereum protocols and Cardano’s consensus algorithm

In response to recent discussions in social media, we give a brief comparison of the Ouroboros and Casper proof-of-stake protocols.
Ouroboros is a formally specified and analysed protocol with mathematically proven security guarantees based on clearly specified assumptions. The protocol description, models and proofs are all public. Hence, the underlying assumptions, the target protocol properties, and the respective correctness proofs can be publicly scrutinised. Ouroboros offers stake-based finality with the strongest possible guarantees in terms of the amount of stake backing up honest operation. It also provides a solid foundation over which services such as near instant finality of transactions can be offered in optimistic network conditions.

24 Hour #Ethereum #DEX Volumes 18th Sep 2019

Takamaka: The new consensus algorithm

The proof of Stake is a new and modern approach to block generation. Instead of wasting electricity in order to solve complex mathematical calculations, the Proof of Stake selects a node which will generate a new block. In this protocol, the probability to be chosen is directly correlated to the amount of stake (coin) bet on the Node.

n Takamaka, the stakeholder bet, unlike the classic PoW, is not a key element of the entire financial power. This is because the stake does not allow the single better to control or condition the algorithm. The bet on a Miner Node does not gives that Node predominance over the others.

join the community 

martedì 17 settembre 2019

DeFi DApp Updates

DeFi dapps had their ups and downs in terms of volumes this month with some growing both in terms of ETH and USD, some growing in terms of ETH but not USD, and some dropping in both ETH and USD:

2 Million burned KNC – Happy Burn Day!

After burning the first million KNC in May, KNC holders had another reason to celebrate this month with the second millionth KNC burnt on the 16th of August. The rate of burn has grown an order of magnitude this year and although it took 15 months to burn the first million KNC, it took only 10 weeks to burn the second million. We’ve released a special one minute video with Loi and Anton walking you through how burning takes place (with obligatory slow-motion glitter bomb celebration from the team included😎):


Volumi di 24 ore

Se desideri monitorare e confrontare i volumi giornalieri tra Kyber e altri fornitori di liquidità, di recente mi sono imbattuto in DEX 24 Hour Volume Bot , un bot che twitta i volumi dei fornitori di liquidità 24 ore su 24 segnalati da CoinGecko. Kyber è costantemente tra le prime posizioni come fornitore di liquidità classificato nelle classifiche di volume giornaliere:

Distributed ledger technology - INCONTRO PUBBLICO VERONA - 19 SETTEMBRE

distributed ledUn incontro per conoscere la "Distributed ledger technology" il 19 settembre 2019ger technology Eventi a Verona
distributed ledUn incontro per conoscere la "Distributed ledger technology" il 19 settembre 2019ger technology Eventi a Verona

se ne sente parlare tanto ma c'è molta confusione sull'argomento e parecchia disinformazione. Sai come funziona la Blockchain e gli algoritmi di consenso ? Vuoi capire come funzionano i nuovi modelli di Business che nascono su Blockchain?. La criptografia è lo sviluppo di algoritmi di controllo e verifica dei dati che aprono le porte a quelli che diventano DLT.

Alla base del concetto di Distributed Ledgers Technology vi è il consenso sulle operazioni che vengono svolte autorizzate e attivate. In quale modo Blockchain e tipi di consenso influiscono sul funzionamento e sul prezzo di una cryptovaluta ? L’algoritmo di consenso PoS: ecologico, economico, scalabile. Come funziona e quali problemi risolve ? Ti presentiamo un modello di Business nato sulla Blockchain di una società alto atesina.
Appuntamento a Verona il 19 settembre 2019 alle ore 19 - Evento gratuito.

Informazioni e contatti

Potrebbe interessarti:


To tackle this problems, Takamaka introduces two Coins, TKG (Green Coin) and TKR (Red Coin), which is stable. The motive behind this choice is that both, those who initialized the network and new users, can continue to work on the blockchain even if they don't possess or they transferred all of their TKG. In other words, the ownership or non ownership of the TKG does not affect the possibility to operate on the network and, moreover, does not cause significant price manipulations. 

lunedì 16 settembre 2019


Sablier: cambiare il modo in cui le persone vengono pagate. Una vera mano per i lavoratori dei concerti, Sablier mira a alimentare pagamenti continui e sconvolgere il settore dei prestiti con giorno di paga ad alto interesse. Costruito su Ethereum e utilizzando Dai, Sablier consente alle persone di essere pagate automaticamente al minuto, all'ora, al giorno, al completamento delle pietre miliari o in qualsiasi momento. È un caso d'uso estremamente convincente per Dai che potrebbe fornire ai lavoratori a contratto e ai consulenti frustrati in termini di pagamento la libertà finanziaria che hanno a lungo cercato. 

PoolTogether Introduction

PoolTogether - Targeting per il mercato della lotteria. Secondo la società di ricerche di mercato IBISWorld, l'industria globale delle scommesse sportive e della lotteria ha registrato ricavi per $ 217 miliardi nel 2018. PoolTogether vuole livellare il campo di gioco e mira a farlo attraverso il suo modello di lotteria senza perdita che consente alle persone di giocare le probabilità senza rischi usando Dai

L'app Pooltogether non solo incentiva le persone ad adottare Dai, ma può anche diventare uno strumento per il bene sociale. Le vincite potrebbero essere assegnate a enti di beneficenza o anche a privati ​​o start-up attraverso campagne simili a "finanziarmi". 

Creation of Libra Coin

The organization will use the funds parked in a group of stable banks (essentially, a basket of bonds) which will then theoretically maintain a relatively stable price over time. So there’s a stable price mechanism, and Libra Coins will be minted against the Libra Reserve, against those assets.
Allocation of Libra Coin will happen two ways:

The first way, which people may be somewhat familiar with, is allotting Libra Coins to Founding Members based on their $10m buy-in or membership fee. The Founding Members will then turn around and “stake” those coins in the Libra Network (which we’ll talk about later), essentially guaranteeing the safety of the network at the risk of losing this investment.
The second way—which people aren’t as familiar with—is through the currency that individual consumers use to buy into the network.

Acquista Crypto con Fiat su KyberSwap è lieto di annunciare una nuova soluzione da fiat a crittografica per i nostri utenti.
KyberSwap ha recentemente stretto una partnership con Coindirect, un servizio di terze parti supportato da MakerDAO, che consente a chiunque di acquistare facilmente criptovalute con fiat, a basso costo.
Con questa partnership, KyberSwap sarà un DEX (scambio decentralizzato) veloce, semplice e sicuro per chiunque, compresi gli utenti criptati totalmente nuovi!
  • Fiat alla criptovaluta
  • Swap token completamente integrati
  • Ordini limite non detentivi
  • App mobili iOS e Android
  • UI / UX semplice

Hi there .. Do you Know TAKAMAKA ?

Takamaka is a public blockchain that uses an innovative Proof-of-Stake algorithm.
Compared to the traditional blockchains, Takamaka has the following features : * Ability to know and plan the costs of maintaining your business * Up to 1,000,000 transactions / h * Uses Java as programming language * Is public. Everyone can use it. Takamaka will be released in October. Download our white paper: Stay tuned, join the community and visit our website at /

venerdì 13 settembre 2019

WIREX: Supercharged Cryptoback™, enhanced rewards!

Our native token and the world’s first crypto rewards programme join forces to help you get even more out of your Wirex account.
Owning WXT already gives you access to exclusive savings. Now, it also entitles you to supercharged Cryptoback™ every time you pay with your Wirex Visa card in-store. Depending on the number of Wirex Tokens in your possession, you could earn up to 1.5% back in Bitcoin for every tap, swipe or PIN entry!

Bitcoin 101 – Capire le basi | 25° Bitcoin Meetup Verona


I meetup del gruppo Verona si rivolgono a tutti coloro che vogliono scoprire Bitcoin e conoscere i membri della community locale per costruire relazioni e confronto.
Gli argomenti di cui si parlerà sono:
– Cosa sono i bitcoin
– Che cos’è e come funziona la blockchain
– Quanto è fondamentale il ruolo della community bitcoiners a livello locale e globale
– Capire meglio come la sua tecnologia sta rivoluzionando l’economia

giovedì 12 settembre 2019

Provable: servizio oracolo blockchain-agnostico per sviluppatori

di dApps Nick Sawinyh il 09 set 2019

Thomas Bertani parla della creazione di un servizio oracolo indipendente dalla blockchain per gli sviluppatori di dApps.
Ciao! Qual è il tuo background e a cosa stai lavorando?Sono Thomas Bertani, imprenditore e consulente blockchain, fondatore di Provable.
Risultati immagini per provable bertani

Mi considero un "tossicodipendente per le tecnologie dirompenti" - con esperienza in ingegneria; Sono un collaboratore attivo del settore blockchain dal 2012. Ho lavorato per le principali società Bitcoin e ho avviato tre startup in questo spazio. Negli ultimi sette anni ho toccato diversi aspetti della tecnologia blockchain, dalla progettazione di minatori di bitcoin ad alte prestazioni alla gestione di progetti crowdfunded. A seguito del mio contributo all'industria, nel 2018, sono stato nominato da Forbes Italia come uno dei primi 5 giovani leader che operano nel settore finanziario.

mercoledì 11 settembre 2019

STABLECOIN. Un elenco completo delle principali Stablecoin

Le Stablecoin sono criptovalute create per ridurre la volatilità del prezzo della moneta, rispetto ad alcune attività "stabili" o paniere di attività. Uno stablecoin può essere ancorato a merci in valuta o scambiate in borsa.


I token sulla blockchain stellare che promette depositi sono mantenuti 1: 1 in conti bancari controllati con sede negli Stati Uniti.


How does the DutchX work?


Protocollo di gestione delle risorse basato sulla folla

Molte persone hanno il capitale da investire in criptovaluta ma non l'esperienza, e molte altre hanno l'esperienza ma non il capitale.
Risultati immagini per betoken

martedì 10 settembre 2019

Chainlink CEO: How “Mixicles” can change the game for smart contract privacy

Lack of privacy is one of the main reasons enterprise is choosing private over public blockchains, says Chainlink CEO Sergey Nazarov.
By Adriana Hamacher

Chainlink wants to make smart contracts more attractive for enterprise. The oracleprovider is tackling the privacy concerns companies cite for choosing a private chain over a public one, such as Ethereum. Its secret weapon is a new, game-changing, decentralized finance (DeFi) tool called “Mixicles.”
Speaking exclusively to Decrypt, the company’s CEO Sergey Nazarov explained how Mixicles, launched last Tuesday, is breaking new ground in enabling the uptake of public blockchains by enterprise. He also touched on the importance of oracles in the blockchain ecosystem and hinted at future projects the company is working on. 
“If we can get privacy working on public chains, it can create an entirely new level of consumption, because a lot of contracts simply cannot be placed on a public chain environment like Ethereum,” said Nazarov. “No matter how good it is, they can't be made private. That's the reality.”

Bridgefy - Offline Messaging

Bridgefy is an offline messaging app that lets you communicate with friends and family when you don't have access to Internet, by simply turning on your Bluetooth antenna. Ideal for music festivals, sports stadiums, rural communities, natural disasters, traveling abroad, and much more.

The 3 ways Bridgefy works:

Turn on your Bluetooth antenna and chat privately with friends that are within 330 feet (100 meters) of you.