
lunedì 16 dicembre 2019

Takamaka Proof of Stake (T-PoS)

Proof of Work
The most famous and well-known coins, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, although their differences, use a consensus algorithm called Proof of Work, in which an extraordinary and expensive computing power is put in place, spent to calculate complex mathematical elaborations, in order to create and validate a block of transactions.

This activity is called mining.
The main purpose of this and other algorithms is to elect a leader, a mining node, who decides the contents of the next block and its transmission to the network, so that everyone can verify and record the validity of its contents.
In order to elect a node as a leader, it is necessary that it finds a solution to a mathematical problem and that all the nodes in the network recognize the correctness of the resolution. In this way, the miner will receive a reward, both for the mined block and for the transaction fees, and therefore it will have an incentive to continue mining.

Tether continues to dominate the stablecoin market

The total stablecoin market cap grew ~42% in 2019 from $3.3B to $4.7B, with Tether dominance at ~80%

§ Unhindered by controversy over reserves and a NYAG investigation, Tether continued to dominate the stablecoin market in 2019.

o In 2019, the majority of new Tether issuance shifted away from Bitcoin and onto Ethereum (USDT_ETH) — which exacerbated congestion on the Ethereum blockchain

§ Excluding Tether, majority of the remaining growth came from USDC (+76% market cap) and Paxos (+50% market cap)

Fonte: Blockchain Capital

~28% of U.S. adults had fraudulent financial activity happen to them recently

As digital worlds become a large component of individual identity, stakes are higher with financial privacy than ever before


In very simple words, the blockchain is a list of records called blocks, in which the content is the writing of information: blocks are linked each other through a cryptographic Hash, which creates a succession of verifiable and persistent blocks called blockchain. The blockchain is distributed over a network of nodes, which stores and replicates in real time the subscribed data, creating a shared distributed public ledger. This ledger is based on information verified by the network nodes and their algorithm, data previously appended are immutable and cannot be modified, altered or deleted.
Thanks to SCs, I could decide, for example, to award a person a prize in ETH, if he gets 10 “likes” on his social page within a certain period of time; or I could issue an automatic refund in case of train or plane delay, or a cancelled event. I could automatically schedule a payment/salary every 10th of the month, directly on an employee’s wallet, whose public key is known.
The energy sector could significantly benefit from the blockchain technology: green energy could be traced back to its production and prove to have been sold only once, consumers could decide where and what kind of energy to buy, while network providers could be paid automatically according to the actual use.

Iot blockchain

giovedì 12 dicembre 2019

L'amministratore delegato della startup Shopin blockchain si dichiara colpevole di frode: procuratore generale di New York

NEW YORK (Reuters) - L'amministratore delegato di Shopin si è dichiarato colpevole di frode sui titoli criminali in relazione a un'offerta iniziale di 42,5 milioni di dollari stimata dalla sua startup blockchain, ha annunciato giovedì l'ufficio del procuratore generale di New York Letitia James.
Anche Eran Eyal, 44 anni, di Brooklyn, si è dichiarato colpevole di due reati per truffa da truffare in relazione alle sue due precedenti società, Passo Sync Inc e Springleap Inc.

venerdì 6 dicembre 2019


Digitalisation has changed the way monetary systems work for many years already, but recently it has started to change its structure more fundamentally. Developed economies rapidly reduce the importance of cash, and in some cases envisage becoming cashless entirely in the foreseeable future. At the same time digital currencies have appeared. The first wave of cryptocurrencies such as hashtagBitcoin, hashtagEthereum or hashtagRipple have failed to gain relevance in terms of their share in monetary transactions.

THE MONETARY SYSTEM AND THE IMPACT OF DIGITALISATION When discussing the impact of digitalisation on the monetary system it is useful to distinguish between architecture and technology of a monetary system. While digital money and electronic payment systems have become increasingly important elements of the monetary system for many years already, they so far have not substantially changed the architecture of the traditional two-tiered monetary system based on central bank money and deposits in commercial banks. New developments such as private money in the form of cryptocurrencies and the prospect of digital currencies issued by the government or private entities have the potential to radically alter the way the monetary system works.

Innovation and its impact on the European retail payment landscape

Central bank digital currency If industry efforts fall short of developing an innovative and efficient pan-European payment solution, the social need for it could potentially be met by issuing a CBDC. For instance, a CBDC with the status of legal tender could guarantee that all users have, in principle, access to a cheap and easy means of payment. CBDC could also ensure that the general public remain able to use central bank money should cash usage decline. However, cash is still a popular means of payment across the euro area. Signs of a future decline in cash usage could be a catalyst in accelerating central bank efforts in the area of CBDC.

Immagine correlata

CBDC could also ensure that the general public remain able to use central bank money should cash usage decline. However, cash is still a popular means of payment across the euro area. Signs of a future decline in cash usage could be a catalyst in accelerating central bank efforts in the area of CBDC. The concrete design of CBDC could have far-reaching implications for the financial system that need to be carefully assessed.

lunedì 2 dicembre 2019

MyCrypto - gateway per la blockchain di Ethereum

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Cos'è Mycrypto nel backstory?

MyCrypto nasce da un'idea del nostro CEO, Taylor Monahan . Inizialmente ha aiutato a lanciare MyEtherWallet nel corso della giornata e alla fine ci siamo separati su MyCrypto. Taylor ha partecipato alla prevendita di Ethereum anni fa e quando è arrivato il momento di spostare i suoi beni in un posto sicuro, le uniche istruzioni disponibili le hanno detto di usare il prompt dei comandi sul suo computer. Ha quindi realizzato la necessità di una corretta interfaccia grafica, che ha portato allo sviluppo di un sito chiamato MyEtherWallet.

Nel tempo, Taylor e il suo co-fondatore hanno costantemente ripetuto e migliorato, aggiungendo funzionalità come richiesto. Il ciclo di feedback sullo sviluppo è stato rapido e la community si è rapidamente raccolta sul sito come l'opzione più accessibile per la creazione e la gestione di indirizzi ETH.
Il sito ha continuato a crescere e alla fine si è verificata una divisione tra Taylor e il suo co-fondatore. La maggior parte del team ha continuato a collaborare con Taylor per avviare MyCrypto, lanciato a febbraio 2018.

Quali sono i tuoi pensieri futuri per il mercato DeFi?

DeFi è un meraviglioso passo successivo per l'intero Ethereum verso cui muoversi, ed è un'attrazione molto più sana di quanto non fossero gli ICO.
C'è un aspetto unico in questo, però, che mi chiedo. Quando si tratta di investire e guadagnare interesse, mi sento come se fosse impostato e dimenticato per la maggior parte delle persone. Non è qualcosa che usano quotidianamente; non è qualcosa a cui pensano quotidianamente. In tal senso, DeFi non è un driver quotidiano. Porterà un sacco di nuove persone e farà sì che una manciata di organizzazioni abbia successo, ma il resto delle organizzazioni che cercano di costruire nuove cose in questo settore avrà bisogno di qualche altra alta marea che sollevi tutte le navi. Gli ICO erano l'alta marea precedente e penso che DeFi sia più di bassa marea. Cosa porterà alla prossima alta marea? Mi piacerebbe saperlo