
venerdì 30 dicembre 2016

COMUNICATO STAMPA- Vendite piramidali: sospesa in via cautelare la promozione della criptomoneta OneCoin

L’Antitrust, a seguito dell’avvio di un procedimento istruttorio, ha adottato un provvedimento cautelare nei confronti della società One Network Services Ltd., attiva nel settore della promozione e diffusione della criptomoneta OneCoin, e delle due persone fisiche che avevano registrato i siti ad essa collegati e (il terzo a seguito dell’avvio è stato oscurato).


Risultati immagini per TELEGRAM

Apre con oggi, il canale Telegram bitcoinVerona per dare possibilità a tutti  gli appassionati delle cryptovalute, di iscriversi e partecipare agli incontri  pubblici, nel comprensorio geografico di Verona e Provincia.

In particolare, Il Canale bitcoinVerona sarà uno strumento utile per diffondere messaggi di interesse pubblico che riguardano location degli incontri , partecipazione ad eventi, date e luoghi di ritrovo,  ad un pubblico piu’ ampio possibile e comunque al di fuori del contesto meetup, che tuttavia rimane il principale punto informatico di riferimento di questo gruppo.
Attraverso il canale bitcoinVerona, puntiamo ad aumentare il numero dei partecipanti e di persone interessate al mondo del bitcoin e delle altcoin, con lo scopo dichiarato di formare un numero sempre crescente di appassionati ed estimatori della materia.
Per accedere al canale clicca direttamente qui , sarai costantemente aggiornato su tutte le iniziative, gli appuntamenti e altro di bitcoinverona.

Robots that can read your mind a breakthrough for manufacturing

Those who wish others could read their minds will enjoy a breakthrough technology out of the lab of Thenkurussi (Kesh) Kesavadas. The professor of Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering at the University of Illinois and his team have used brain computer interface (BCI) to control a robot (watch demonstration).
In its third year of funding, this National Science Foundation project has proven that human experts can look at an object on an assembly line and through sensors from their brain tell a robot to remove a defective object from a conveyor belt.

Ethereum Price Technical Analysis – Looking To Buy ETH/USD?

Ethereum price managed to gain further traction and moved above the $8.20 resistance. More gains are possible in ETH/USD since buyers are in control.
Ethereum Price Technical Analysis

giovedì 29 dicembre 2016

Get a Wirex plastic card 20% off this holiday season!

Get a Wirex plastic card 20% off this holiday season!

It's been a crazy year here at Wirex! Our community of amazing users has grown 10 fold in size and at end of the year we wanted to give something back.

From today up until the 2nd of January 2017 inclusive we're dropping the price of our Wirex plastic cards for 20%. This is a time limited offer for new as well as existing card owners and should definitely not be overlooked!

Remember, with Wirex card you can hold, use and exchange Bitcoins and other currencies on a daily basis. Imagine a completely new way of managing your personal finances.

Come on board and join the revolution!


Best regards,Wirex Team

venerdì 23 dicembre 2016

LA MONETA DIGITALE VENETA SI CHIAMERÀ “SCHEO”: La blockchain di riferimento sara’ quella di Ethereum !


All’inizio del 2016 avevamo annunciato che la Repubblica Veneta si sarebbe dotata di una propria cripto-moneta. Oggi siamo lieti di annunciare ufficialmente quale sarà la sua denominazione.
La moneta digitale veneta si chiamerà “Scheo”, in plurale “Schei”.
La parola deriva dalle monete austriache (e tedesche) Scheidemünze, che popolarmente venivano chiamate appunto “schei”, identificando il significato “denaro”.
Nell’attuale fase che attraversa il Veneto tale parola indica chiaramente cosa significa, così come anche il valore intrinseco che la questione economica oggi rappresenta per il futuro della nostra comunità oppressa dal regime italiano, che con tutta evidenza è entrato in una spirale assolutamente fuori controllo che rischia di trascinare anche i veneti sempre di più nel gorgo del degrado e dell’assoluta inadeguatezza ai tempi moderni.

What Do the Tech CEOs from Trump’s Sitdown Think of Bitcoin?

Donald Trump met with tech executives last week.  Trump transition team member, billionaire technologist Peter Thiel, whose oversees funds with Bitcoin investments, sat to the president-elect Trump’s left. Incoming Vice President Peter Thiel was on the president-elect’s right. At one point Mr. Thiel, with money in startups like BitPay, and Mr. Trump embraced hands.
The people who run some of the most valuable companies in the US were there at the meeting, which has been dubbed the “Trump Tech Summit”,  including Apple CEO Tim Cook and Larry Page from Alphabet/Google. Palantir CEO Alex Karp, the meeting’s only representative from a private company, was also present. Why? Mr. Thiel founded Palantir. (conflict of interest much?)
Mr. Thiel’s Founder’s Fund led a capital raise of $2 million into BitPay in 2013. How have some of the other tech giants interacted with Bitcoin in their past?
We’ve boiled it down…

Bitcoin, boom prezzi a 875 dollari in 2 sedute (+10%): cosa li spinge?

 Bitcoin salgono a quotazioni fino a 875 dollari, segnando un boom di oltre il 100% quest'anno. Cosa sta succedendo in questi ultimissimi giorni?

I prezzi dei Bitcoin sono letteralmente esplosi in un paio di sedute, passando da 791 fino al picco di 875 dollari, ovvero registrando un rialzo del 10%. In questo momento, le quotazioni sono lievemente scese a 863 dollari. Il boom lascia stupefatti, implicando guadagni dall’inizio dell’anno nell’ordine del 100%. Ma cosa starebbe facendo impennare i prezzi? Non è facile capirlo, specie per l’estrema stabilità dell’oro, le cui quotazioni continuano ad aggirarsi sui 1.130 dollari l’oncia, sgonfiando al +6,5% il rialzo per quest’anno. Non si registrano variazioni significative dei cosiddetti “safe haven” assets, ovvero dei beni rifugio, solitamente acquistati nelle situazioni di crisi o tensione sui mercati.

Why SolarCoin? in 90 seconds

Blockchain project wins Dutch international energy hackathon

After a full weekend and 48 intense hours of collaboration, excitement and solution-finding, the best idea according to a jury of industry experts was a project called EcoCoin at Hackenergy 2016.
The hackathon was sponsored by ENGIE Nederland, Energy Academy Europe, the City and Province of Groningen — and backed by Groningen's IBM Client Innovation Center (CIC), said a statement.
Maurits Alberda, Manager Entrepreneurship & Innovation at Energy Academy Europe, said: "It was a great event, bringing the energy transition where it belongs: with people who want to work on our future, and a great way to connect knowledge, innovation and business. We look forward to welcoming new energy business ventures and to hosting a following edition!"


Dear friends,

This year is slowly coming to an end leaving Christmas, New Year and Bitcoin value of over $1000 ahead of us. We would like to invite all of you to put off your daily duties, leave your mobile devices alone and spread some warmth among your friends and relatives.  

giovedì 22 dicembre 2016

Perchè bitcoin è anche detta valuta virtuale ? ...

A differenza delle monete tradizionali, i bitcoin sono completamente virtuali. Non c’è moneta fisica e neanche monete digitali in sé per sé. La moneta è sottintesa nelle transazioni che trasferiscono valuta dal mittente al ricevente. Gli utenti di bitcoin utilizzano le proprie chiavi che permettono loro di avere la prova di essere i proprietari delle transazioni nel network bitcoin, sbloccando la valuta da spendere e trasferendola al nuovo ricevente. Queste chiavi sono generalmente contenute in portafogli (wallet) digitali nei computer di ciascun utente. Il possesso delle chiavi che sbloccano una transazione è il solo prerequisito per spendere i bitcoin, mettendo il controllo dei propri bitcoin interamente nelle mani di ogni utente.

BNP Paribas réalise ses premiers paiements en temps réel grâce à la Blockchain

BNP Paribas annonce aujourd’hui avoir réalisé plusieurs paiements en temps réel pour deux clients de longue date, Amcor, acteur de premier plan mondial des solutions de conditionnement, et Panini Group, leader international des articles de collection et des cartes à échanger. 
En septembre dernier, BNP Paribas avait annoncé des partenariats avec plusieurs de ses clients afin de développer des produits et des services de Transaction Banking et de Cash Management de nouvelle génération basés sur la technologie Blockchain. Le proof-of-concept « Cash Without Borders » avait été lancé au début de l’année 2016 après que la division Corporate Trade and Treasury Solutions de BNP Paribas se soit engagée dans un travail collaboratif lors de son 1er Bizhackathon Blockchain.

Sisma, Legambiente apre alle donazioni in Bitcoin

Questa opportunità verrà riservata, in questa prima fase di lancio, alla campagna di raccolta fondi “La rinascita ha il cuore giovane” , lanciata per aiutare giovani imprenditori nelle aree colpite dal terremoto. Grazie alla nuova collaborazione con la startup Helperbit

Legambiente, prima organizzazione no profit in Italia, ha avviato una nuova collaborazione con la startup Helperbit per adottare la tecnologia Blockchain e Bitcoin, aggiungendo un ulteriore canale per le raccolte fondi ed offrendo ai propri donatori trasparenza e tracciabilità completa dei flussi economici.

domenica 27 novembre 2016

Ledger Launches Hardware Wallet for the Smart Contract Era

Ledger, the French company known for its range of bitcoin hardware wallets, has launched a new extension of its product line: the Ledger Blue.
Billed as "the most advanced hardware wallet on the market today", the Ledger Blue is a significant departure from the thumbdrive style of Ledger's previous products. With a 320 x 480 pixel screen (along with BlueTooth and near-field communication (NFC) capability), it's a handheld touchscreen device that can run a number of different applications.
In a video call, Ledger CEO Eric Larchevêque talked to CoinDesk about the product’s evolution, design philosophy and target market.

Bitcoins Norway Now Allows Deposits through DNB Bank’s Payment App

The payments application, Vipps extends its support to Bitcoins Norway cryptocurrency platform enabling users to purchase digital currency. Read more...

The “Land of Midnight Sun”, Norway has stepped ahead of many countries when it comes to Bitcoin adoption. According to a user on Reddit and the Bitcoins Norway website, people in the country can now buy Bitcoin directly through Vipps Payment Application.

Striscia la notizia - Bitcoin e il futuro

lunedì 21 novembre 2016

Bitcoin Difficulty Level Increases by More Than 10%

The Bitcoin network’s mining difficulty level has increased by 10.68%. The change happened on November 18, 2016, as a part of the network’s inbuilt regulation mechanism that ensures that if more miners arrive, the difficulty increases to keep issuance rate stable on 10-minute blocks. This is the highest increase experience since February this year when the mining difficulty surged over 20% on February 7.
Read more here

giovedì 17 novembre 2016


Dear friends,

Every November for over 80 years the world dives into the Black Friday - the biggest sale in which most major brands take part. Keeping up with the tradition HashFlare also joins the low-price-madness fray, but this time — with a very special offer!

During the next 10 days (until 27.11.16) you will have a unique opportunity to use our unparalleled cloud mining contract discounts of up to 42%!

We recommend to arm yourselves with calculators and choose the best cloud mining solution for your needs! Take a look at the new prices and other conditions at our special promotion page here.

Sincerely, Team

Lo "squalo" George Soros dietro le proteste anti Trump

Avrei impiegato meno tempo a scrivere questo pezzo se non fossi stato così impegnato a ridere. Non è carino farlo, lo ammetto, però, insomma, pensateci un attimo: avreste mai immaginato di vedere una rivoluzione colorata anche negli Usa? Perché è questo che succede, anche se non ve lo dicono. In molte grandi città americane come Portland (nell’Oregon), Los Angeles e Oakland (California), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), Denver (Colorado), Dallas (Texas), Baltimora (Maryland) e naturalmente New York, da giorni migliaia di persone protestano contro l’arrivo alla Casa Bianca di Donald Trump.
Popolo sdegnato, cittadini in ansia per le sorti del Paese, movimento spontaneo di gente perbene? Qualcuno così ci sarà pure, per carità. Ma la realtà è quella che è rapidamente saltata fuori: file e file di pullman noleggiati per spostare i manifestanti da un posto all’altro, paga oraria tra 15 e 20 dollari l’ora per gridare «Not my president» contro Trump, panini e bibite gratis.

ViaBTC Cloud Mining Contract — Batch 1

ViaBTC is now launching our cloud mining product — an easy way for EVERYONE to mine your own Bitcoins. Our first cloud mining contract — ViaBTC S9 will run with Antminer S9, the most advanced mining rigs today. All cloud hashrates will come from the miners ViaBTC purchases and deploys. Now we have deployed our Batch 1 of 2.4 PH/s cloud hashrates for global customers to purchase.

mercoledì 16 novembre 2016

Blockchain, come funziona la mano invisibile della fiducia -- di massimo chiaritti

Dalla metafora di Adam Smith alla fiducia in una rete di persone. Il ruolo possibile di blockchain e lo "spostamento del rischio" dalla trasmissione alla custodia
La mano invisibile è la famosa metafora del ‘700 usata da Adam Smith per descrivere i benefici sociali derivanti dalle azioni quotidiane delle persone – a loro insaputa. E, oggi, come fare in modo che un comportamento egoistico da parte dei singoli soggetti possa arrecare beneficio alla società nel suo complesso? Nello specifico contesto del mondo online, come aver fiducia in una rete di persone, che potrebbero tradire, per trasferire valori in rete?

Blockchain, come funziona la mano invisibile della fiducia -- di massimo chiaritti

Dalla metafora di Adam Smith alla fiducia in una rete di persone. Il ruolo possibile di blockchain e lo "spostamento del rischio" dalla trasmissione alla custodia
La mano invisibile è la famosa metafora del ‘700 usata da Adam Smith per descrivere i benefici sociali derivanti dalle azioni quotidiane delle persone – a loro insaputa. E, oggi, come fare in modo che un comportamento egoistico da parte dei singoli soggetti possa arrecare beneficio alla società nel suo complesso? Nello specifico contesto del mondo online, come aver fiducia in una rete di persone, che potrebbero tradire, per trasferire valori in rete?

lunedì 14 novembre 2016

Donald J. Trump Appoints Bitcoin Investor Peter Thiel to Presidential Transition Team

A page in the book of history has turned, and there is an opening to think about some of our problems from a new perspective,” the gay Bitcoin enthusiast, Peter Thiel, who will serve on Donald J. Trump’s presidential transition team, told the New York Times after the election. “I’ll try to help the president in any way I can.”
Since Donald J. Trump assumed the role of president-elect in last Tuesday’s U.S. election, much scrutiny has been put on his statements and team as the transition begins between President Obama and Mr. Trump.

mercoledì 9 novembre 2016

Blockchain 101 - A Visual Demo

Bitcoin e l’uso consapevole del mercato (a proposito del controllo…)

Nelle reti in cui l’identità è conosciuta, un comportamento illegale, quando viene scoperto, è punito e si perde la reputazione. Nelle reti con un certo grado di anonimità, dobbiamo ricorrere ad altri strumenti. Un recente studio dal titoloThe Evolution of the Bitcoin Economy: Extracting and Analyzing the Network of Payment Relationships” mostra che il mercato del bitcoin è maturato a tal punto da non vedere più come promotori del suo commercio le attività viziose come il gioco d’azzardo o i traffici nel web sommerso (Deep Web). Sostenuta da un team di ricercatori guidato da Paolo Tasca (University College London, Centre for Blockchain Technologies, coadiuvato da Shaowen Liu, Deutsche Bundesbank e da Adam Hayes dell’Università del Wisconsin), la ricerca asserisce che il Bitcoin, inteso come sistema di pagamento, abbia attraversato tre distinte fasi di utilizzo, la più recente delle quali è rappresentata da “pagamenti, traffici e servizi legalizzati e virtuosi”.

giovedì 3 novembre 2016

Venezuelans are turning to bitcoin as the bolívar crumbles

Venezuela’s currency has lost so much of its value that people have given up on counting the notes—they just weigh piles of cash. So far this year, the bolívar has lost nearly half its value compared to the dollar, while inflation has shot up as much as 15 times. That’s according to best estimates, since official data isn’t available.

It’s brutal:

martedì 1 novembre 2016

Segregated Witness Support

The following is a list of companies and projects which have stated they will support segregated witness.
To add your company or service, please ACK ticket #30 with company/service name.

* BitGo provides wallet services to exchanges such as Bitstamp and Kraken.
* GreenAddress provides wallet services to TheRockTrading exchange, BitBoat and CoinBR.
wip: work-in-progress
To add your company or service, please ACK ticket #30 with company/service name.

Bitcoin Price $800 Imminent; Boosted by China Capital Outflows

As capital outflow from China continues to increase, the possibility of Bitcoin reaching $800 seems to be more than ever. Read more...
Bitcoin Hotbed China Is Now Leading the Fintech Race. newsbtc bitcoin news.
Bitcoin has been going strong since the past few weeks. The cryptocurrency which was priced at around $640 in mid-October has surged past the $700 mark and now stands at $725, after falling to $690 briefly over the weekend. At the current pace, the price of Bitcoin reaching $800 is imminent.

venerdì 28 ottobre 2016

Zcash founders will make $858.916 per day without mining

In a previous post I outlined all the marketing/scamming tricks used by the Zcash founders to keep people in the dark. Today is launch-day and the futures indicate a $596 price tag per coin! What most people don’t know is that the founders will take 20% of all coins in the first four years of mining. And that’s without mining themselves! Feel free to check this part of their website to see what I’m talking about:

Zcoin and Zcash: Similarities and Differences

A question that often pops up is: what are the differences between Zcoin and Zcash? 
Zcoin and ZCash are the only two cryptocurrencies that use zero-knowledge proofs to guarantee zero-knowledge financial anonymity. There are various tradeoffs between using ZCoin and ZCash. Zcoin uses the Zerocoin Protocol (cited by academics 208 times, at time of writing), whereas Zcash uses the Zerocash Protocol (cited by academics 104 times, at time of writing). The cryptographic properties of Zcoin and Zcash supplement each other quite nicely, and a good way to describe them would be sibling cryptocurrencies.

Zero Knowledge Proofs

LEGALTECH FORUM – L’autenticazione notarile nell’era digitale: stato dell’arte e nuove prospettive MILANO | 16 NOVEMBRE 2016

Il workshop sarà focalizzato sulle metodologie di acquisizione forense delle pagine web, fondamentali per disporre di prove digitali inconfutabili a supporto dei casi di cyber bullismo, revenge porn, diffamazione sui social network, ecc. Sarà esaminato lo standard ISO/IEC 27037:2012 e ne saranno evidenziati pro e contro. Sarà presentato in anteprima Kopjra Forensic Web Evidence Acquisition, il framework di acquisizione forense realizzato e brevettato da Kopjra. Saranno esposti casi di studio in ambito civile, penale e notarile. In conclusione, con uno sguardo rivolto al futuro, saranno presentate alcune soluzioni tecnologiche, basate sul paradigma blockchain, negli ambiti della notarizzazione della proprietà intellettuale e dei contratti smart.

Zcash (ZEC) trading begins on Kraken this Friday, October 28!

What is Zcash?
Perhaps the most hotly anticipated digital asset of 2016, Zcash has a highly regarded development team and investment from major VC firms (Pantera, Fenbushi, and The Digital Currency Group) and Bitcoin VIPs (Roger Ver, Erik Voorhees, Barry Silbert, and Li Xiaolai).
Zcash offers complete transaction privacy. While transactions can be seen on the blockchain, the sender, recipient, and amount of the transaction remain private. The payment details can be revealed to others, but only if users give them the transaction view key.
Read more:
What Zcash pairs will trade on Kraken?
  • Margin: Coming soon - stay tuned for details!

giovedì 27 ottobre 2016

Bitcoin in tutte le stazioni ferroviarie svizzere

È possibile pagare con i bitcoin comodamente e in semplicità già in oltre 10 000 punti di accettazione in tutto il mondo senza carta di credito o coordinate bancarie.
  • Facile ricarica tramite codice QR presso il distributore di biglietti
  • Bitcoin è un sistema privo di limitazioni geografiche e utilizzabile in tutto il mondo
  • Spese di transazione minime anche in caso di trasferimenti all’estero
  • Numero di punti di accettazione sempre maggiore
  • Panoramica degli attuali punti di accettazione in Svizzera: Link
  • Primo giorno di vendita: 11.11.2016

La tecnologia dei Bitcoin applicata alla spesa del supermercato (contro i falsi): la startup padovana premiata a Smau

La startup padovana EZ Lab, nata nel 2014 da Massimo Morbiato, vulcanico imprenditore del settore informatico, ha vinto il premio Lamarck Giovani Confindustria Smau, riconoscimento assegnato a chi viene ritenuto pronto a incontrare il mondo dell’industria. EZ Lab (fra le imprese ospitate da Invitalia nella propria sezione Smart&Smart, padiglione 4, stand A29) è stata selezionata assieme ad altre due realtà fra le oltre 200 startup presenti all’evento di riferimento nei settori innovazione e digitale. A Smau, che si tiene fino al 27 ottobre a Fieramilanocity, Ez Lab ha presenta in anteprima AgriOpenData, innovativa piattaforma al servizio dell’agrifood che utilizza la tecnologia blockchain – alla base del funzionamento degli scambi dei Bitcoin – per tracciare in modo sicuro il percorso della filiera agroalimentare – una questione più che aperta dopo le recenti notizie di false certificazioni .

mercoledì 26 ottobre 2016

Trade Zcashes with Bitcoin - SU THEROCKTRADING, disponibile ZCASH !

Oramai ci siamo .. manca poco al 28 Ottobre, giornata in cui ZCASH  sarà finalmente minato e possibilmente acquistato. Ma attenzione, a partire dal 28 Ottobre infatti, non solo sarà possibile iniziare il " mining " sulla Blockchain, ma per i meno esperti sarà anche possibile avere ZCASH senza minarli , direttamente acquistandoli sulla piattaforma THEROCKTRADING .

Trading aperto , ma a partire dal 28 Ottobre .

mercoledì 19 ottobre 2016

The Positive trends for cryptocurrencies by HASHFLARE .

We are happy to announce that all technical difficulties on CryptoPay side have been resolved and BTC payments are now available! But while the Ethereum Foundation team is working on improving their blockchain, the world of cryptocurrencies continues to evolve.

It means that there is a whole range of positive trends going on right now:
  1. The Bitcoin price continues to grow as Japan declared its new policy to accept BTC for utility payments. This is an important development stage for the cryptocurrency as it means the growth of interest and trust which leads to a positive impact on the value of BTC; 
  2. The Litecoin growth is also unstoppable. According to numerous cryptocurrency markets, Chinese investors seem to be very interested in thedigital silver. Taking the global lack of Scrypt hardware into the account we can be sure that the value of LTC will continue to grow; 
  3. Due to constant geopolitical and economical changes many classical currencies (like USD, EUR or GBP) are struggling and losing their value. This is one of the main reasons why BTC and LTC continue growing across the globe. 

martedì 18 ottobre 2016

Japan set to drop sales tax on buying virtual currency

TOKYO -- Japan looks to end sales-tax collection on purchases of virtual currencies in the spring, a move likely to propel the growth of bitcoin and others as alternatives to traditional money.
The change would reduce costs for buyers and relieve operators of virtual-currency exchanges of the administrative burden related to the tax. Discussions between the Finance Ministry and Financial Services Agency are expected to lead to a formal decision after talks by a ruling-coalition tax panel at the end of the year.

lunedì 17 ottobre 2016

ANX Blockchain Services and Create Your Digital Assets for Free

About our Blockchain Services

ANX is set to introduce the world’s first revolutionary global online platform that will allow anyone to create blockchain applications instantly at no cost. ANX Blockchain Services (ABS) is a cloud platform which allows its customers to generate customised digital assets, digital wallets, and branded exchange platforms.

domenica 16 ottobre 2016

ZCoin Commits to Monthly Donations to Ross Ulbricht Defense By Jamie Redman

Back in September, we reported on a new privacy-centric cryptocurrency called ZCoin. Since then, the digital asset has launched, and now trades on certain exchanges. Now, the core ZCoin team iscommitting to a monthly donation to Ross Ulbricht charities.

ZCoin Stands With Ross Ulbricht and the Ideals of the Silk Road

zcoin ZCoin is a cryptocurrency that uses Zero-Knowledge cryptographic proofs on its network. Launched on September 28 of this year, the token was created by developers Poramin Insom and Gary Le.
ZCoin is a rebrand of Moneta and is not to be confused with Zcash. Any cryptocurrency can use the zero-Knowledge technology. In fact, a number of Zcash competitors use zero-proofs, such as the Komodo project, and Zcash.


Block Explorer:


Nova Exchange:

Guides and Wiki:

Answers to FUD

Zcoin is a next-generation cryptocurrency - significantly more private than Bitcoin

venerdì 14 ottobre 2016

Iconomi’s Jani Valjavec: We Will Be Uber of Fund Management and Financial Services - Author Frisco d'Anconia

Iconomi is another brainchild of the Blockchain that is making waves in the community and changing the face of investments by using initial coin offering as a method for raising capital.  
Cointelegraph spoke to Jani Valjavec, co-founder of Iconomi, about how they are leveraging Blockchain DAOs to disrupt the financial industry.
Cointelegraph: What Iconomi is about?
Jani Valjavec: Iconomi is the first global fund management platform for the decentralised economy. In 2017, we will launch a platform where anyone can be a professional fund manager. With no real need for middlemen, Iconomi as a vehicle will allow people to invest in cryptoassets and decentralised-economy startups with fiat money. More so, Before the end of 2016 we will introduce our two crypto-based investment funds. Funds will minimise the volatility, simplify the investment process and offload the burden of research due its diligence to investment professionals with a proven track record.

mercoledì 12 ottobre 2016

Why We Must Increase the Block Size and Why I Support Bitcoin Unlimited

This article was originally published in Chinese on my personal blog.
On October 10th, 2016, right after the conclusion of Scaling Bitcoin Milan (the third in a series of conferences on the topic of scaling the Bitcoin network), I made the decision to switch the bitcoin client software that ViaBTC runs from Bitcoin Core to Bitcoin Unlimited. This decision was not made lightly; I do not believe I have the right to impose my own personal views on the users of my pool. But, after consulting with all of the larger users on my pool I was able to make this decision with their overwhelming support.
The decision of whether or not to increase the block size beyond 1MB is ultimately made by the miners, but in the specific case of this issue, it is actually the pool owners, not the hardware operators, who have the experience required to make such a decision. As we are seeing now, and have seen in the past, it turns out that the miners (that is, those who own the hardware) do not actually care enough one way or another to cast a vote about making changes to the bitcoin protocol. It is my belief that the decision of which software to run is the responsibility of the mining pools and that waiting for the miners or the bitcoin developers to decide the course of action for the network is incorrect.

Coin Interview Episode 25: Stas Oskin CTO of

USA - Voter identification laws by state

 Voter identification laws by state

Election Policy Logo.png

Voting policies in the U.S.
Voter ID laws
Voting by state
Election dates
Election terms

Public Policy Logo-one line.png
In recent years, state legislatures across the country have implemented voter identification laws. These laws require voters to present some form of identification at the polls. In some cases, the required identification must include a photo. Voter identification is a hotly contested electoral policy issue. Proponents maintain that voter identification requirements are necessary in order to prevent voter fraud and protect election integrity. Critics, meanwhile, contend that voter fraud is very rare and identification requirements effectively disenfranchise some Americans, including racial minorities, the elderly, and the disabled.

  • As of August 2016, 31 states enforced voter identification requirements. A total of 16 states required voters to present photo identification, while 15 accepted other forms of identification.

  • Commonly accepted forms of ID include driver's licenses, state-issued identification cards, and military identification cards.

  • Requirements come in two general forms: strict and non-strict. Under strict requirements, a voter who does not possess the required form of identification may be required to cast a provisional ballot. Under non-strict requirements, a voter who does not have the necessary identification may still vote without casting a provisional ballot.
  • Navigate to the tabs below to learn more about voter identification laws.
    Note: The map below displays only those states that require already-registered voters to present identification at the polls on Election Day. Federal law requires a new registrant to provide either a driver's license number or the last four digits of his or her Social Security number at the time of registration.
    In Sedici stati, dove abita il 38 per cento della popolazione, non chiedono  alcun documento di identità a  chi si presenta al voto; in altri dove abita il 16% dei cittadini, si può esibire un documento senza foto. Così si vota nella Nazione che dà lezioni di  democrazia al mondo. Tratto da