
mercoledì 20 aprile 2022

#04 Everything you don't know about Moonbeam

 #04 ARTICLE by TheCr1pt0l0g1st. Don't miss any news and subscribe to the newsletter HERE

Moonbeam allows developers to run standard solutions with little or no code changes

Moonbeam allows developers to run standard solutions with little or no code changes and also provides a very convenient environment for launching new projects.

Moonbeam : comme Ethereum, mais en différent - La solution pour rendre  Polkadot EVM Compatible - Journal du Coin


Moonbeam has developed Unified Accounts, whereby users only need one private key to interact with both the EVM and the Polkadot Substrate (*other parachains that work with the EVM require two private keys, one for the Substrate and one for the EVM).

XC-20 Assets is a new token class that offers native parachain interoperability, whereby users and developers can interact using a familiar ERC-20 interface.

The Cross-Consensus Message (XCM) format defines how messages can be sent between interoperable blockchains. This format opens the door to transfer messages and assets (Substrate assets) between Moonbeam/Moonriver and the relay chain or other parachains in the Polkadot/Kusama ecosystems.

XC-20s are a unique asset class on Moonbeam. It combines the power of Substrate assets (native interoperability) but allows users and developers to interact with them through a familiar ERC-20 interface via a precompile contract (Ethereum API). Moreover, developers can integrate XC-20s with regular Ethereum development frameworks or dApps. Link []

Moonbeam XC-20 XCM Integration With Polkadot

Moonbeam Token #GLMR is a utility and governance token that allows holders to participate in management and is used to pay transaction fees (80% is burned and 20% goes to the on-chain treasury), as well as for node operation and smart contract execution.

As of April 2022, TVL is 342 million, or +130% per month, making Moonbeam a rapidly growing ecosystem.

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