
venerdì 4 ottobre 2019

Hi there ... Takamaka is Coming !

Takamama is coming! (ENG) Today we have begun the approach phase and will finally be online in just a few days. To explain hashtagTakamaka we have created a series of videos to tell you about technology, protocol, blockchain and Smart Contracts.

We have delegated at Fausto Spoto, professor at the University of Verona and Iris Dimni Ing. at hashtagTakamaka the task of illustrating the project with a series of short videos, 5 to 30 minutes. We will talk about: - What is hashtagTakamaka - How to complete the hashtagBlockchain - Consensus algorithm # T-PoS - How to write a smart contract (practical example). and much more. The content will be in english and published in episodes on Keep in touch and ask your questions on hashtagtalk hashtagethereum hashtagpublisher hashtagproject hashtagdatascience hashtagtechnology hashtagbusiness hashtagquestions hashtagseries