
lunedì 6 dicembre 2010

Jovan Marjanovic: origine dell’energia basata sul campo gravitazionale conservativo


Dopo anni di ricerca e di analisi di lavoro, Jovan Marjanovic, B. Sc. Ingegnere Elettrico, presenta un documento di notevole valore scientifico che ci mostra una teoria semplice, per l'utilizzo del campo gravitazionale conservativo, come combustibile.  Al fine di estrarre energia dal campo conservativo, l'effetto della gravità è sfruttata e necessaria. Il "pendolo" si muove generando energia, teoricamente infinita.

Energy is created due to the difference in existing devices. Consumers of energy use the difference in the potential between the plus and the minus (direct current) and zero and the phase (alternate current). All heat and thermal motors accomplish useful work due to the higher temperature and pressure. Mills and power plants use different levels of water...

However, difference in the potential of two-stage oscillator, "unusual machine" has not been considered so far.

Figure 2. Difference of the potential during oscillation of the physical pendulum
1 - weightless state in the upper position
2 - culmination of force during the fall in the lower position

Since there is a difference in potential (Figure 2.) between the weightless state (1) and culmination of force (2) during oscillation of the pendulum, the same is true for centrifugal force, which is zero in upper position, and culminates in the lower position at maximum speed. Physical pendulum is used as a single-stage oscillator in the system with a lever.
After many years of trials, consultations and public appearances, it could be said that this occurrence is being researched and investigated all over the world (author is in possession of evidence). Simplicity enables construction of houses by owners themselves.
Efficiency of the model can be increased by mass, since the relationship between the volume of the lever weight and its surface increases the mass.