Over the course of recent years, database breaches have become a more common occurrence than ever before. As technology evolves, hackers and assailants come up with new ways to exploit any vulnerability present in software solutions. At the same time, the technology used to store sensitive information has not evolved much. Proper solutions will have to be created, and blockchain technology is a strong contender for storing and transmitting user data in the future.
martedì 29 dicembre 2015
Il circolo di M. Benassuti
Anche nel caso di banca Etruria e affini ancora una volta di quella coltre marcescente che tocca politica e affari che potremmo ben definire “relazioni politiche all’italiana” si tratta!
Una situazione patologica sul piano sociale, politico ed economico che era sta messa bene in luce più che autorevolmente e non implicitamente, J. LaPalombara già negli anni sessanta, a seguire gli annotamenti giuridici e politologici sulla corruzione di Donatella Della Porta (1992, 2007) e poi di Bernardo Mattarella (2011), ancora le cronache giornalistiche di Gatti-Sansa (2012), infine il recente pamphlet di Lannutti sulle banche, tutto ciò per comprendere molto chiaramente, che qui le c.d. “relazioni politiche e istituzionali”, siano essere locali o nazionali, sono ben altro da quelle formalizzate (anche se spesso non meno problematiche) che si svolgono nei paesi anglo-sassoni.
Come imparare con la formazione online e guadagnarci sopra 7 piattaforme per l'e-learning che consentono di rivendere contenuti e competenze, personalizzati
Una decina di giorni fa, proprio qui su CheFuturo!, ho scritto un post con lemigliori piattaforme MOOC in circolazione. Se non sai cos’è un MOOC te lo spiego velocemente:
lunedì 28 dicembre 2015
mercoledì 23 dicembre 2015
martedì 22 dicembre 2015
Allianz esplora le potenzialità della tecnologia blockchain
La compagnia di assicurazioni e soluzioni finanziarie francese Allianz ha di recente incorportato nel suo acceleratore per startup Everledger, un’azienda che utilizza la tecnologia blockchain per mantenere un registro decentralizzato per quanto riguarda i diamanti.
Grazie alle risorse fornite da Allianz, Everledger dovrebbe ora espandere le sue operazioni, svolgendo estesi studi sulla tecnologia blockchain: l’obiettivo primario è quello di sviluppare soluzioni proof-of-concepts e altri casi d’uso che potrebbero risultare utili alle attività svolte dal colosso francese.
Grazie alle risorse fornite da Allianz, Everledger dovrebbe ora espandere le sue operazioni, svolgendo estesi studi sulla tecnologia blockchain: l’obiettivo primario è quello di sviluppare soluzioni proof-of-concepts e altri casi d’uso che potrebbero risultare utili alle attività svolte dal colosso francese.
Secondo Sylvain Theveniaud, direttore dell’acceleratore, Allianz percepirebbe le potenzialità della tecnologia blockchain, e necessiterebbe di startup specializzate per mettere tali opportunità a fuoco; d’altra parte Leanne Kemp. fondatrice di Everledger, ha dichiarato come il mercato assicurativo sia uno dei campi più fertili per le startup basate sulla tecnologia blockchain, infatti l’adozione di un registro decentralizzato ridurrebbe i rischi collegati all’attività e rafforzerebbe le garanzie di proprietà.
Danish Government Wants to Seize Jewelry and Cash; Is Bitcoin the Solution?
In urgent response to the increasing number of migrants in Europe, the Government of Denmark has announced a law that could allow the authorities to confiscate jewelry from refugees entering the country.
According to the Washington Post, the proposal of the newly drafted law will pass Parliament in a matter of time.
What if I Told You…
That as the terms innovation and disruption
become mainstream there are still pockets of
discovery value for investors in the world today.
From curing cancer with the cloud to solving
space to creating an alternative to fossil fuel in
lithium, opportunities abound for those willing to
look beyond today’s headlines.
lunedì 21 dicembre 2015
Un Marine: “Lo Stato-mostro, siamo noi”
“Penso alle centinaia di prigionieri che abbiamo catturato e torturato in centri di detenzione improvvisati guidati da minorenni venuti dal Tennessee , New York e Oregon . Mi ricordo le storie . Ricordo vividamente i marines dirmi dei pugni , schiaffi , calci , gomitate , ginocchiate e testate agli iracheni. Ricordo i racconti di torture sessuali : costringere gli uomini iracheni a compiere atti sessuali su reciprocamente mentre marines gli tenevano i coltelli contro i testicoli , a volte li sodomizzavano con i manganelli “.
I Helped Create ISIS
By Vincent Emanuele
After 14 years of War on Terror the West is great at fomenting barbarism and creating failed states.
For the last several years, people around the world have asked, "Where did ISIS come from?" Explanations vary, but largely focus on geopolitical (U.S. hegemony), religious (Sunni-Shia), ideological (Wahhabism) or ecological (climate refugees) origins. Many commentators and even former military officials correctly suggest that the war in Iraq is primarily responsible for unleashing the forces we now know as ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, etc. Here, hopefully I can add some useful reflections and anecdotes.
Dove sono tutti i soldi del mondo in un’infografica (spiegata in italiano)
Nei manuali di economia spesso si legge che novantanove volte su 100 i soldi sono qualcosa di immateriale. Beh, non è proprio così. Lo spiega un’infografica di Visual Capitalist
Nei manuali di economia spesso si legge che novantanove volte su 100 i soldi sono qualcosa di immateriale. Beh, non è proprio così. I soldi «fisici» sono molti di meno. Circa 2 Lo spiega bene un’infografica creata da un progetto chiamato Visual Capitalist. Il colpo d’occhio è impressionante. La stragrande maggioranza dei soldi sono legati ai «derivati». Vi proponiamo una piccola legenda per capire questa riuscitissima infografica. Dal pallino più piccolo al più grande. Con un chiarimento metodologico di base. Più aumenta il grado di astrazione del concetto di moneta in uso, più aumenta la quantità di denaro. Anche se parte da un’uso della moneta che a prima vista è il più astratto di tutti. Il Bitcoin. Che però è anche lo strumento più giovane di tutti.
- BITCOIN: Sono 5 miliardi di dollari i bitcoin in circolazione.
- ARGENTO: 14 Miliardi il valore dell’argento in circolazione
- GATES, BUFFETT, SLIM: La ricchezza di tre degli uomini più ricchi del mondo, che insieme sfiorano i 79,2 miliardi di dollari.
- MICROSOFT, APPLE, GOOGLE, BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY, EXXON MOBIL: per chiarezza, Berkshire è la holding di Buffet, mentre Exxon è la più imponente compagnia petrolifera statunitense. Il giro d’affari delle 5 insieme supera i 616 miliardi di dollari.
- IL BILANCIO DELLA FED, la banca centrale statunitense, che è di circa 4.500 miliardi di dollari
- TUTTE LE MONETE E LE BANCONOTE di tutto il mondo valgono 5 mila miliardi di dollari
- MERCATO IMMOBILIARE COMMERCIALE Gli investitori istituzionali con un terzo delle aziende del mercato immobiliare destinato all’uso commerciale, hanno un valore di 7,6 mila miliardi di dollari.
- ORO vale 7,8 mila miliardi di dollari.
- NARROW MONEY, si intendono tutti i soldi disponibili nelle banche e immediatamente esigibili. Molti di questi non sono in circolazione, ma potrebbero diventare moneta circolante.
- CAPITALIZZAZIONE BORSE di tutto il mondo è di circa 70 mila miliardi di dollari. Il 52% è negli Usa, l’8% in UE.
- BROAD MONEY, il concetto di narrow money, solo esteso a tutti i depositi, le obbligazioni e in generale ai soldi magari anche non immediatamente esigibili, ma comunque facilmente esigibili. Vale 80,9 mila miliardi di dollari
- IL DEBITO MONDIALE, tutto il mondo è in debito di circa 199 mila miliardi di dollari, di cui circa un quarto è quello sovrano degli stati
- DERIVATI è uno strumento di ingegneria finanziaria di cui molto si è discusso quando è scoppiata la crisi finanziaria del 2008. In sostanza è un contratto legato all’andamento sul mercato di un altro strumento finanziario (titolo obbligazione etc..) chiamato in gergo finanziario sottostante. Una scommessa sul suo andamento. Che può essere fatta sia scommettendo sul suo buon andamento, che su un andamento poco favorevole (ma ce ne sono di decine di tipi differenti, tutti accomunati dal minimo comune denominatore di essere scommesse sui prezzi e sugli andamenti). Ad esempio, se compro un titolo di un’azienda X posso legare all’investimento un contratto derivato, cercando o di tutelarmi da un possibile crollo del titolo, oppure cercando di aumentare i guadagni di un suo rialzo. Tutto l’ammontare di queste scommesse sul mercato globale, sui suoi andamenti, sui suoi titoli azionari, obbligazionari, su società, nazioni, aziende, è di 1,2 milioni di miliardi di dollari. Per leggerlo, dollari.
Courtesy of: The Money Project
http://blog.startupitalia.eu/dove-sono-tutti-i-soldi-del-mondo-in-uninfografica-spiegata-in-italiano/sabato 19 dicembre 2015
El SEC aprueba plan para emitir acciones a través de Blockchain
El SEC (Comisión de Valores e Intercambios) ha aprobado un plan de la compañía online Overstock.com para emitir acciones de la compañía a través de Internet, sellando un cambio significativo en la manera en que los valores financieros serán distribuidos y negociados en los años que están por venir.
Blockchain Crowdfunding: How to use Bitcoin & More to Crowdfund Anything
Crowdfunding is a powerful tool that anyone can use to raise money for literally anything: a business start up, making a film or other creative project, developing a new product or piece of software, a political or charitable cause, or even just for reaching a personal goal.
Amazon to Launch Internet of Things-based Artificial Intelligence Next Year
E-commerce giant Amazon is likely to dominate the Internet of Things (IoT), smart home and artificial intelligence sectors in 2016. Over the last years, it has turned into one of the leading IoT industry players.
CISA Is Now The Law: How Congress Quietly Passed The Second Patriot Act
* * *
Back in 2014, civil liberties and privacy advocates were up in arms when the government tried to quietly push through the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or CISA, a law which would allow federal agencies - including the NSA - to share cybersecurity, and really any information with private corporations "notwithstanding any other provision of law." The most vocal complaint involved CISA’s information-sharing channel, which was ostensibly created for responding quickly to hacks and breaches,and which provided a loophole in privacy laws that enabled intelligence and law enforcement surveillance without a warrant.
BitPay Co-Founder Jetsets Atlantic as Company Implodes

(ATLANTA) — As the business he co-founded was exploding into a mushroom cloud of pixie dust, BitPay co-founder, Tony Gallippi, was apparently jet-setting across the Atlantic, visiting London, and rapidly burning through company cash.
The first signs of trouble at the firm began surfacing on September 16th, as news stories began circulating of a hacking scandal within the executive offices of the struggling payment processor.
According to court documents, during December 2014, BitPay’s CEO Stephen Pair sent $1.8 million dollars to a bitcoin address provided to him in an email from an individual impersonating the company’s chief financial officer, Bryan Krohn.
EXCLUSIVE: This JPMorgan memo shows the bank is 'aggressively' investing in blockchain tech and robotics
JPMorgan is "aggressively" investing in the next generation of technology like blockchain and robotics and its investment drive in these areas is part of its "major priorities" in 2016, according to an internal memo seen by Business Insider.
Head of major liberal PR firm that worked with likes of Wikileaks and Chelsea Manning shuts down business after 'avalanche' of sexual harassment claims from female workers Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3366422/Head-major-liberal-PR-firm-worked-likes-Wikileaks-Chelsea-Manning-shuts-business-avalanche-sexual-harassment-claims-female-workers.html#ixzz3ulKYKV2f Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
The head of a major PR firm has shut down his business after 'an avalanche' of sexual harassment claims from female workers.
Married father-of-three Trevor FitzGibbon, president of FitzGibbon Media, allegedly asked an interviewee if she was open 'to having any fun' and asked her to send him risque photographs of herself.
She refused and after speaking out, several other women at the company came forward claiming that they too had experienced sexual harassment but had stayed quiet in fear of losing their jobs.
La regina di Wall Street molla tutto per fare una startup Blockchain. Ma vuole 35 milioni
Era entrata in JPMorgan appena 18enne e vi è rimasta per 27 anni, fino a quando ha deciso di licenziarsi per fondare una startup fintech. Quasi 3 decenni nei quali Blythe Masters, legando il suo nome allo sviluppo dei “credit swap” (i derivati che consentono agli investitori la copertura dei rischi sui titoli) è riuscita col tempo a conquistarsi il titolo di donna più potente di Wall Street.
venerdì 18 dicembre 2015
Three Major Banks Serious about Embracing Bitcoin
Since the beginning of 2015, an increasing number of banks and financial institutions have focused on the development of unique blockchain networks and distributed ledgers to create “decentralized” transaction and asset settlement systems.
Despite their interest in the blockchain technology, these banks have demonstrated a hostile view toward bitcoin, claiming that bitcoin is not viable as a currency or a medium of exchange.
“Governments like to control (currencies). They have central banks. They like to control the supply. They also generally like to know where it (currency) is and where it goes… They will not support major currencies that go around borders that they don’t have control over. It’s just not going to happen,” saidJPMorgan CEO Jamie Dixon.
Established financial organizations and banks participating in blockchain conferences like the R3 conference and leading programs such as blockchain innovation labs are trying to setup blockchain networks which can settle assets and clear transactions cost effectively and securely.
However, these banks are not interested in the decentralized nature of the blockchain technology nor its core purpose. Their interest derives from their stubbornness to admit that bitcoin is in an important and disruptive technology and that they have been wrong all along about its potential.
“Bitcoin is disruptive, and the reason it is disruptive is precisely why it is so difficult to swallow and swaddle in traditional investment terms,” said California-based information security expert and author ofMastering Bitcoin Andreas Antonopoulos.
“As we saw with the Internet, when the first tier of telecommunication companies wanted to control, polish and make the Internet nice and cozy and came up with Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Compuserve, a few of the third-tier companies who knew they couldn’t compete on that playing field took the Internet and used it as a Trojan Horse to disrupt the entire telecommunication industry.”
So, are there actual banks and financial institutions serious about embracing bitcoin as a currency and as a financial technology? or are all the banks simply riding the blockchain hype train because others are doing so?
The central bank of Barbados is actually considering holding a certain amount of bitcoin as part of its portfolio of foreign reserves. It recognizes the true potential of bitcoin as a reserve currency and respects its growth compared to other major currencies including the US dollar, pound sterling and the Japanese Yen.
“Within recent years, the proportion of digital transactions done using digital currencies has grown significantly. As a result, it is possible that digital currency could become a key currency for settling transactions,” said Winston Moore and Jeremy Stephen, two economists from the Central Bank of Barbados.
PrivatBank, one of Ukraine’s largest banks announced the development of a bitcoin-based merchant payment service solution that would allow online businesses to accept bitcoin with ease. The bank has already submitted an application to the Central Bank of Ukraine for regulatory confirmation and to ensure that their services align with Ukraine’s current financial policies.
mercoledì 16 dicembre 2015
È morto Licio Gelli, ecco la storia della loggia P2 raccontata coi dati
Custode di molti segreti della storia italiana, Gelli fu a capo di un’organizzazione coinvolta in diversi casi che hanno attraversato il secondo Novecento
È morto nella notte tra 15 e 16 dicembre, nella sua casa di Arezzo, Licio Gelli, il “venerabile maestro” della loggia Propaganda 2, meglio nota come P2.
Da sempre militante di destra, nel 1937 prese parte alla guerra civile spagnola combattendo nelle truppe nazionaliste del generale Francisco Franco. Tornato in Italia, nel 1939, si iscrisse al Partito nazionale fascista e, dopo l’8 settembre 1943, aderì alla Repubblica sociale di Salò. Il suo nome è più conosciuto per i suoi legami con la massoneria: entrato a farne parte nel 1963, all’inizio degli anni ’70 divenne il responsabile della loggia P2, organizzazione segreta scoperta nel 1981, quando venne reso pubblico un elenco di 962 persone che ne facevano parte.
Il grafico mostra la distribuzione geografica dei componenti di Propaganda 2, diffusi in tutta Italia, ma con concentrazioni più alte nelle grandi città a cominciare da Roma, e la professione svolta dagli affiliati. Il numero più consistente riguarda appartenenti alle forze armate, ma non mancano politici,magistrati e giornalisti.
Virtual Bitcoin Debit Cards Help Create New Jobs
Bitcoin has proven to be quite an interesting financial vehicle, especially once people started looking past the concept of using it for more purposes than just being a speculative asset. In countries where very tight capital controls reign supreme, obtaining BTC and a virtual Bitcoin debit card could be the way forward for starting a brand new small business.
I Sold Bitcoin To A Machine In a Gas Station, Here is How It Went
Working for Bitcoin is, on the whole, great. I get my entire pay without someone taking a cut, it can come to me on a Sunday at 2am or whenever I want. But turning that Bitcoin into fiat can sometimes be a hassle. Waiting a few days for Circle or Coinbase to sell my Bitcoin and put the good old rent-paying American Fiat into my bank account can be a stressful situation, where I am left hoping that Circle can beat my bank’s automatic withdraw for rent.
Swarm crea la sua moneta virtuale: è l’inizio della sfida ai Bitcoin?
Foursquare-Swarm cerca di accrescere i suoi 60 milioni di utenti mensili con una novità davvero interessante: i coin maturati con i check-in diverranno moneta virtuale. Per ora utile solo ad acquistare adesivi e scalare le classifiche...ma un domani...
Qualche anno fa Foursquare era una delle app considerate più di successo(Microsoft vi aveva investito molto e si era parlato dell’interessamento anche da parte di Yahoo) grazie alla sua facoltà di unire le persone attraverso i check-in che queste ultime effettuavano nei posti in cui si fermavano. Era anche possibile guadagnare delle offerte a seconda dei negozi nei quali si effettuavano più check-in.
2016 to be eventful for bitcoin
2015 was quite a good year for bitcoin considering the huge amount of investment dollars it has attracted and the positive attention it has received from leading financial institutions such as banks and clearing houses, etc. The underlying technology i.e. the blockchain has gained immense respect from leading technological and financial firms alike. But it does not end here; 2016 could be yet another eventful year for the cryptocurrency.
ohn McAfee: Government Wants to Control Bitcoin
In a blog post titled “Is 2016 the year that electronic currency challenges government?” on SiliconAngle, ace software personality Dr. John McAfee has said that governments have a strong interest in controlling digital currencies.
Working Off Earth to Save Millions of Lives Upon It
By David Miller, NASA Chief Technologist
W.H. Auden once wrote that while “thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”
Water is the most basic human resources. Yet, it’s been estimated that by 2050, three quarters of the world’s population could face freshwater scarcity. Already, 1.1 billion people across our planet do not have access to quality drinking water according to the World Health Organization, nearly a sixth of the world’s population. Meanwhile, the United Nations reports that each and every year, our world loses 3.5 million people due to inadequate water supplies, sanitation, and hygiene.
Chinese Foreign Exchange Reserves Are Dwindling – Bitcoin Is An Alternative Way To Store Wealth
Interesting things are going on over in China, as the country’s cash reserves are dwindling at an alarming pace. A recent report by the Chinese central bank indicated how there is only US$3.4 bn left in foreign exchange reserves, which is the lowest levels since the beginning of 2013. Getting funds out of the country is proving to be a difficult task, and Bitcoin seems to be the solution investors could be looking for.
SEC Approves Plan to Issue Stock Via Bitcoin’s Blockchain
THE SECURITIES AND Exchange Commission has approved a plan from online retailer Overstock.com to issue company stock via the Internet, signaling a significant shift in the way financial securities will be distributed and traded in the years to come.
Economics of Cybercrime – Crime is Paying Well
As a cybersecurity firm, our focus, and thus bulk of our time, is spent helping clients prevent cyberattacks, recover from cyberattacks and meet compliance requirements such as PCI, HIPAA, SSAE-16 SOC II, FISMA, and so on.
But what about the perpetrators? Who are these attackers and what do they gain from it? Why does it seem like the attacks are worse and happening more often?
As with most things, the bottom line is money.
lunedì 14 dicembre 2015
A proposito di banche : Non è la prima volta, e non sarà l'ultima.
Ancora una volta "politica e affari" (sporchi).
Chi paga è sempre lo stesso, l'insignificante cittadino elettore-consumatore, qui nella veste di risparmiatore.
Oggi qualcuno, avendo letto fugacemente il saggio risalente di un poco noto ma insigne giurista lancia con una certa retorica il motto
"privatizzano gli utili e socializzano le perdite": una vecchia ... storia analizzata, sviscerata, interpretata da almeno un quarantennio, senza
che ciò produca alcunché ...
Vecchia storia, debitamente tenuta in disparte dal dibattito pubblico per l'intero comparto politico-finanziario- industriale nazionale.
E le ragioni sono più che evidenti.
sabato 12 dicembre 2015
Prende forma l’autostrada ciclabile tedesca da 100 km
- Dovrebbe unire Duisburg a Hamm e togliere 50 mila auto dalle vie della Ruhr. Si presenta bene l’autostrada ciclabile RS1 dedicata a cicloturisti e pendolari

Police raid Sydney house after ‘mystery of bitcoin creator is solved’
Over a dozen police officers entered the home of Craig Steven Wright who Wired magazine said was the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the figure who released the first bitcoin code back in 2009.
Now, there appears to be another lead on the anonymous founder.
Send Bitcoin Payments To Any Email In The World Via The Brand New LakePay!
LakeBTC.com is one of the “big 4” bitcoin exchanges. Jeremy Cho, LakeBTC’s communication division representative, has just shared with NewsBTC that his company has just launched a new service named “LakePay” that enables its users to send bitcoin to any email address in the whole world. Lakepay is also expected to include other cryptocurrencies in the near future.
Mancano meno di 32 settimane al dimezzamento
Bitcoin Clock
Image source: http://bitcoin.sipa.be - 14TYdpodQQDKVgvUUcpaMzjJwhQ4KYsipa
Bitcoin Hacking Group Targeting Australian Banks?
A bitcoin hacking group calling itself “DD4BC” which stands for “distributed denial of service for bitcoin” isallegedly targeting Australian banks like Macquarie and Westpac. These reported extortion campaigns have reportedly been running since May this year, prompting authorities to initiate a new cybersecurity outfit called the Australian Cybersecurity Center (ACSC).
This follows news that Australian banks have discontinued transactions to several bitcoin companies by terminating their bank accounts, spurring speculations that the announcements may have something to do with the bitcoin hacking attacks.
Microsoft Adds Ripple To Its Blockchain Initiative
When Microsoft announced its project to unleash its cloud-based blockchain platform back in November, it showed the world they are very positive about this technology. Director of Tech Strategy Marley Gray has stated since their offering the response has been “overwhelming and positive.” The team in association with ConsensYs was using initially just using Ethereum concepts to help with its launch. However, the project is now also now using a Ripple nodeto help with research as well.
venerdì 11 dicembre 2015
Something Snaps In China As Bitcoin Takes Out Stops, Soars Higher
At 1815ET, after trading in a very narrow $1 range for hours, Bitcoin suddenly exploded $17 higher on very heavy volume. Normally this wouldn't warrant an explicit mention, but this time... something odd happened in Chinese currency markets...
Offshore Yuan suddenly snapped 12 pips lower after noise trading in a 1 pip range for hours... just as Bitcoin spiked...
Central Bankers Explore Response to Bitcoin: Their Own Digital Cash
The rise of bitcoin has central bankers around the world studying the possibility of issuing virtual money backed by the government itself.
Will Bitcoin Price Reach $1 Million U.S. Dollars? Yes, and Here’s Why:
Bitcoin’s price versus the US dollar is the most searched keyword for Bitcoin, along with “What is Bitcoin?” The Bitcoin price is important under many circumstances, primarily exchange rates with any fiat currency, which are based on US dollar rates to some extent.
Oil settles under $37 for first time since the recession
Oil prices settled under $37 a barrel on Thursday for the first time since 2009, after data from the Organization of the Petroleum Countries’ report showed that the group increased its crude production in November to its highest monthly level in three years.
Natural-gas futures, meanwhile, ended with a loss after a U.S. government report showed that supplies fell more than expected last week, but total stocks remained well above the year-ago level.
Nut Brother, l’artista che cattura lo smog di Pechino con un aspirapolvere
In questi giorni ci sono due mondi a confronto. Mondi diversi, opposti, ma inevitabilmente legati. Da una parte c’è Parigi e la conferenza sul clima (COP 21),inaugurata il 30 novembre scorso, con circa 150 leader internazionali presenti. Dall’altra c’è Pechino e il suo devastante smog, con un uomo che si aggira con un marchingegno per aspirare la “nebbia” giallognola che avvolge la città.
Greece says hackers hit banks with bitcoin ransom demand
Greece's central bank has been on alert following reports of cyberattacks against three Greek banks. Sources say hackers had demanded a ransom to be paid in the bitcoin electronic currency.
Greek police said Monday that a group calling itself Armada Collective had demanded units of the virtual currency bitcoin, redeemable for hundreds of thousands of euros, or else it would disrupt the banks' websites.
Microsoft Provided More Details About Azure Blockchain as a Service Offering
Microsoft has published an update on the Azure Blockchain as a Service, saying it is investigating how to add the Ripple’s payments technology.
Microsoft has updated information on its Ethereum Blockchain as a Service, launched on its Azure platform last month. In a new blog post, Marley Gray, director of technology Strategy for Microsoft US Financial Services, provided details on the development of its blockchain-based development tools, saying the company received only positive feedback from its clients.
Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 11/12/2015 – Bullish Continuation Signal?
Bitcoin Price Key Highlights
- Bitcoin price is stuck in a consolidation pattern once more, as bulls are taking a break from their recent strong rally.
- This type of consolidation pattern has already been seen in the past, with bitcoin price making an upside breakout from the bullish continuation signal.
Bitcoin price has formed a bullish flag pattern on its 1-hour time frame, which suggests that more buyers could join the game once an upside breakout occurs.
How High Can It Go?
mercoledì 9 dicembre 2015
On first post there was author but it ends that its few guys doing it and the main who mailed me now wanted to stay anonymous. So i`ve no idea whos author of this research.
From my side i`ve never cared to lookup for Satoshi yet i had some thoughts from 2010/2011 that it was one of Google employees doing this at his “free firday” time. Yet seems nobody wrote about that so i assume my mind made this up as i never really cared nor i know where i have this idea from. Personally i think this had to be 1 person not few because few person can never keep a secret yet this research makes total sense and there is possibility few real guys met and never whistleblown – especially in cyberphuns community.
On first post there was author but it ends that its few guys doing it and the main who mailed me now wanted to stay anonymous. So i`ve no idea whos author of this research.
From my side i`ve never cared to lookup for Satoshi yet i had some thoughts from 2010/2011 that it was one of Google employees doing this at his “free firday” time. Yet seems nobody wrote about that so i assume my mind made this up as i never really cared nor i know where i have this idea from. Personally i think this had to be 1 person not few because few person can never keep a secret yet this research makes total sense and there is possibility few real guys met and never whistleblown – especially in cyberphuns community.
lunedì 7 dicembre 2015
The crypto currency is not attached to any single country. It exists at low exchange rates for the entire world and is not manipulated and controlled by central banks, says Jeffrey Tucker from the Foundation for Economic Education.
domenica 6 dicembre 2015
Bitcoin toccata quota 400$ , in aumento i volumi di transizione .
Questa notte Bitcoin tocca quota 400$, per poi ritracciare a 390 $ ( adesso in cui scrivo ) . A riguardo ci sono diverse interessanti notizie che potrebbero aver fatto decollare il prezzo della moneta, ma apparentemente nessuna in grado di far aumentarne così rapidamente il valore .
giovedì 3 dicembre 2015
Bitcoin Price Technical Analysis for 3/12/2015 – Reversal Pattern Forming?
Bitcoin Price Key Highlights
- Bitcoin price has gradually been trending higher but it looks like the rally is starting to lose steam
- Price might be forming a head and shoulders pattern on its 1-hour time frame, as the recent bounce off the Fib levels barely gained traction.
mercoledì 2 dicembre 2015
Merkel ha fatto entrare Erdogan nella UE. E tutti zitti.
Maurizio Blondet " http://www.maurizioblondet.it"
La Turchia ha fatto domanda di entrata nella UE del 1962. Sempre tenuta fuori, in anticamera; l’Europa faceva la difficile, la sua “democrazia laica” era un po’ troppo sorvegliata dai militari, e non aveva ancora la sufficienza quanto alla “tutela dei diritti umani e civili e il rispetto delle minoranze”. Adesso, di colpo, tutto accelera. “Ci hanno detto che il capitolo 17 del negoziato sarà aperto a metà dicembre; il 15 dicembre, se Dio vuole, a Bruxelles”, ha annunciato trionfante Erdogan. Il capitolo 17 è quello delle politiche economico-monetarie da affrontare per l’integrazione; ma importa poco. Quel che importa è che d’improvviso le pratiche si sono disincagliate.
“Verso la fine del 2016 si parla della liberalizzazione dei visti per i cittadini turchi”, che potranno entrare liberamente in Europa; “..e ci daranno 3 miliardi di euro”, ha aggiunto il presidente.
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