
venerdì 29 ottobre 2021

Is quantum computing a threat to cryptocurrencies?

 Even though the end-user should not worry about whether or not a technology is quantum-resistant, blockchain experts and the industry as a whole should be prepared… before it’s too late!

Takamaka, a third-generation blockchain entirely developed in Java, is already completely quantum-resistant: the algorithm used to sign blocks and transactions between wallets and nodes is, in fact, qTesla.

Recently, Google announced a breakthrough in quantum computing: the company was able to achieve “quantum supremacy”.

In traditional computing, a “bit” can exist in one of two states: “0” or “1”. However, quantum computers use “qubits”: they can also be either “0” or “1” but, thanks to the superposition principle, these two states can be linearly combined. This significantly increases the processing power of quantum computers.

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