
martedì 24 novembre 2015

Coinbase lancia la carta di credito in bitcoin - Non ancora disponibile da Noi.

Coinbase ha introdotto la prima (Visa) carta di debito.Questa carta di credito permetterà ai possessori residenti in 24 U.S. stati d'america , di spendere i propri bitcoin sfruttando un mercato di 38 Milioni di utenti .
Combined Shift image
Coinbase ha notato che l'accettazione di Bitcoin , da mparte dei commercianti è aumentato considerevolmente in questi ultimi anni . Tuttavia ci sono esercizi per i quali il pagamento attraverso bitcoin non è così veloce , immediato e possibile, si pensi per esempio al pagamento della benzina nei distributori , Shift Card, permette invece di velocizzare i pagamenti: si paga con la propria carta di debito nella valuta corrente.

La richiesta della carta è semplice e veloce, e soprattutto non vengono richieste costi extra No annual or transaction fees, come descritto di sotto

How To Get A Shift Card

To get a Shift Card, Coinbase users can order the card by providing their address and authorizing a $10 issuance fee, paid in bitcoin.
There are no fees associated with domestic transactions beyond the $10 issuance fee for a limited time. Coinbase has a fee schedule on its website.
Users can spend funds from their Coinbase or Dwolla accounts any place VISA is accepted, according to the Shift Payments website. Dwolla is an online payment network.
Coinbase and Dwolla currently charge no transaction fees, but both companies can introduce fees in the future, Shift notes.

No Annual Or Transaction Fees For Now

Shift does not have an annual  fee for the card, nor does it charge a transaction fee. There is a $2.50 fee for ATM transactions, a 3% fee for international transactions and a $3.50 fee for international ATM transactions.
There is a daily spending limit of $1,000, but users can contact Shift if they want to increase this limit.
There is a $500 daily ATM withdrawal limit for Dwolla accounts and a $200 daily withdrawal limit for Coinbase accounts.
Eligible states are listed on both the Coinbase and Shift websites.
Adam White, Coinbase vice president of business development and strategy, told Wired that Coinbase wants to make it easy to spend bitcoin, and a mainstream debit card based on bitcoin is key to making this possible.
Shift Payments is a company working to make it as easy to spend digital currencies, cryptocurrencies and loyalty points, according to TechCrunch.